#!/bin/bash # scibuntu - scientific extensions for Ubuntu 6.04 LTS # by Urban Anjar # Copyleft, all rights reversed # Ver: 0.1 061023 - First version # Ver: 0.2 061030 - More programs, deb-installation loop LOG=.scibuntu_log PACKAGES=" libgl1-mesa-swrast emacs21 build-essential g77 gfortran sharutils binutils sysutils tetex-base tetex-bin tetex-extra gs gv grace octave gnuplot labplot gromacs gromacs-doc rasmol pymol t-coffee r-base openbabel ncbi-tools-x11 ncbi-tools-bin python-biopython blast2 bioperl clustalw clustalx tree-puzzle treewiewx" echo "Scibuntu: Downloading, installing and configuring software. This will take some time. Some parts of the installation requires your attention." #Installing all Ubuntu deb packages for P in $PACKAGES; do echo Installing $P apt-get install $P -qy >> $LOG echo $P ready done #Installing non-ubuntu packages echo "Installing phylo_win" wget ftp://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/pub/mol_phylogeny/phylo_win/phylo_winlinuxPC.tgz >>$LOG tar -xvf phylo_winlinuxPC.tgz >> $LOG rm phylo_winlinuxPC.tgz >> $LOG mv phylo_winlinuxPC /usr/local >> $LOG ln -s /usr/local/phylo_winlinuxPC/phylo_win /usr/local/bin >> $LOG echo "phylo_win ready" #http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/salstat/salstat.20031022.tar.gz echo "Installing Adobe Reader" wget http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/unix/7x/7.0.8/enu/AdobeReader_enu-7.0.8-1.i386.tar.gz >> $LOG tar -xvf AdobeReader*.tar.gz >> $LOG cd AdobeReader >> $LOG gnome-terminal -e ./INSTALL >> $LOG cd .. >> $LOG rm -rf AdobeReader >> $LOG rm AdobeReader*.tar.gz >> $LOG echo "AdobeReader ready" >> $LOG echo "SciBuntu: Done"